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  • Writer's pictureHielke de Vries

Establishing Novendi

Updated: Feb 24

Patrick Jansen, the mastermind behind Novendi, founded the company in early 2024. Patrick is an experienced host and easily establishes connections between sources, which resolutes in bridging the following gap. 

Novendi’s Vision

The initial idea of Novendi started with the thought process of creating a pop-up store. By closely observing the market and world around him, Patrick started to see that there was an opportunity unfolding itself. He saw how starting businesses and owners of webshops could profit from selling products to customers face to face when he engaged in conversation.  

After some deep thoughts, the initial idea of creating a pop-up store evolved into a wider, more detailed concept of selling brands and their products in a physical store in a themed setting. This is how the idea and plan for Novendi was created. 

The role of Patrick in this picture is providing a place for start-ups and entrepreneurs to sell their products. The space he and his team are designing comes with precision to attract visitors entering the store, thereby creating an immersive experience. By exhibiting your products or brand in the store, a new way of laying connections with like minded entrepreneurs is made. 

What Novendi can offer entrepreneurs

With the evolving idea of Novendi, Patrick noticed there was a problem for start-ups / beginning entrepreneurs and webshop owners. These new minds within the industry have most of the times no experience and are on a tight budget when starting their business. 

A tight budget and slim to none experience is not the only problem these starting businesses have to deal with. Nowadays most products are easier to purchase through the online world. Entrepreneurs see more customers appearing and buying online instead of in physical stores. This is the reason why having an entire stock of a specific product is not attractive for starting businesses. 

This is where Novendi’s golden idea comes into play. We offer the opportunity to promote a product or brand in a physical location for the cost of a minimal price. This is how we encourage starting entrepreneurs and webshop owners to sell their ideas in our physical location, whilst the actual sale still takes place in the online space. This way customers are able to experience a product in real life before engaging in purchasing the product, therefore adding a new dimension to the business of the entrepreneur. 

To gain traction, Novendi plans on setting a certain theme for the store every month. By rotating the theme every month the dynamic of refreshment and gaining interest remains established. Customers who are attracted to a certain product have the option to explore other complementary products.

Novendi strives towards building a marketplace of entrepreneurs that are able to sell and promote their products. At the same time these entrepreneurs are surrounded by compatible minds, which provides a welcoming environment where the ability to network is always possible. 

When we have launched the first physical store successfully, the idea is to upscale this concept to several locations throughout the Netherlands in 2025. After establishing multiple stores in the Netherlands by 2025,  Novendi will aim to launch internationally in 2026 endeavoring this vision of selling, promoting and exploring online products in a physical location. 

Interested in joining Novendi’s community as an entrepreneur? Or are you interested in visiting once we have realized the first store? Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date regarding the latest news about Novendi. 


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